Andover Committee awards $1,000 scholarship; Vermont Land Trust awards student $300
Press release | Jun 16, 2021 | Comments 0
$1,000 scholarship to Loganne LaPrise
The Andover Scholarship Committee has awarded Loganne LaPrise a $1,000 scholarship. LaPrise will be attending the Paul Mitchell School in Charlestown, S.C.The committee wishes her great success and the residents of Andover are proud of her accomplishments.
The committee has been offering first year college/university/tech school scholarships to qualified Andover student residents since the mid-1990s.
$300 award to Brady Roy

Brady Roy
Roy also received a check for $300.
Roy was nominated for the award by John Harmer, his Horticulture and Natural Resources instructor at River Valley Technical Center in Springfield.
Said Harmer: “Brady has a great work ethic, which comes from his years of practical work experience. His intelligence, thoughtfulness and reliability are only surpassed by his hard work and diligence.”
For the past 10 years, Roy has been working on his family’s 25-acre woodlot, where you can find him felling trees or feeding and caring for the family’s beef cattle, cows, and chicken. He can operate a tractor with ease and tell you the quality of a potential log within a tree. He even has his own team of oxen that he uses to haul loads and compete in 4H programs. He puts in 30 hours a week at the woodlot on top of his school activities, evidence of his clear passion for working the land.
“The connection I have to Vermont’s land is unbreakable,” said Roy. “From gathering sap in the spring and haying in the summer to watching the mountains fill with colors in the fall, Vermont is the best place on earth. I am happy to call it home.”
Looking ahead, Roy plans to attend college and major in forestry. In addition to pursuing a career in forestry, he hopes to expand the family business of farming, sugaring, and balsam wreath production.
Filed Under: College News • Education News
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.