Kids ‘go wild’ with Legos TRSU summer campers build a city in six hours

Rome wasn’t built in a day – as the saying goes – but the kids in Two Rivers Supervisory Union’s Go Wild summer camp program put their city on the map in six hours with the help of a  Lego master model builder.

Coffey confers with fellow builder

On July 16, the Go Wild program welcomed Ian Coffey for a day of building. Fifty campers from grades 1 through 8 worked through the day to create a community at the West Hill Park in Ludlow.

“Students brainstormed what resources they wanted in their community,” says camp director Venissa White, “and we used ‘rock, paper, scissors’ to make any tough decisions.”

In the end, the community included a Taco Bell, several pet shops, a KFC, hospital, police station, an arcade, several parks, a swimming pool, summer camp and much more.
“It was in fact the quietest day we have ever had at Go WILD,” said White.

Filed Under: Education News

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