To the editor: Greenhouse project thanks Chester residents for feedback

I would like to thank the people of Chester who came to the public forum at the July 21 Select Board meeting to support, give opinions, and find out more about the Chester Community Greenhouse & Gardens. Everyone overwhelmingly voiced their support of the project as a whole.

It was the third public informative presentation, and we were very pleased that every person attending stated that they thought the project was very good for the town of Chester. It will be a wonderful day when all the people who live, work or go to school in Chester have access to a sunny plot outside, in the case of those who don’t have space in a yard or have one that is too shady for vegetables (but great for keeping the house nice and cool in the summer!) and a beautiful historic glass greenhouse to start seeds or grow vegetables and flowers potentially year round.

Local, organic, healthy food production is one more great community builder for our town. Gardening is great for young and old, and for connecting and supporting each other as we have done so well this past year and a half.

We welcome any and all other suggestions, questions, or comments, and support that you can leave on our website by clicking here or mail to P.O. Box 1271, Chester, VT 05143. You can also find us most Wednesdays from 3-6 p.m., at the new Chester Farmers Market. Please let us know if you would like to be involved in these early stages, and especially if you are a treasurer!


Cheryl Joy Lipton
Chester Community Greenhouse & Gardens

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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