Archive for September, 2021

Chester board hears of safety building opening, raises ambulance rates
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC As the new Public Safety Building is readied for an open house on Sunday, Sept. 26, Assistant Fire Chief Ben Whalen came before the Chester Select Board to explain that much of the new furniture and other equipment that people will see were not paid for by […]

Henry Homestead marker celebrates 200 years of a Vermont family’s notable history
By Jillian Petroski and Tuckerman Wunderle ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Along the tree-lined winding dirt road of the Green Mountain Turnpike in Chester stands a prominent new plaque that adds more depth to the history of Vermont, the United States and six generations of the Henry family. This new state historic site marker is one […]

CAES classroom quarantines after Covid exposure Ludlow Elementary classroom follows suit
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC A second-grade classroom at Chester-Andover Elementary School is meeting remotely today because the administration learned early Friday morning that the students and teacher had come in contact with a “member of the school community” who had tested positive for coronavirus, according to Two Rivers Superintendent Lauren Fierman. […]

Senior Solutions offering two-day Tai Chi Level 1 training in Londonderry
A two-day Tai Chi Level One Training, focusing on improving balance and preventing falls, will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 4 and Friday, Nov. 5 at Neighborhood Connections in the Mountain Marketplace in Londonderry. Senior Solutions will cover the full tuition of $300 as well as personal mileage for […]

Ludlow Rotary dedicates town clock to long-time member
Ludlow Rotary Club recently unveiled a beautiful 15-foot street clock at the corner of Main and Elm street in Ludlow in honor of long time town resident Bob Kirkbride, a Rotarian of more than 60 years who died in March 2020 at age 93. The street clock, made by Electric Time Co. of Medfield, Mass., […]

Left in Andover: To glory in the repair
By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC When my family’s farm was sold in 1987, I rescued a stash of our old baby clothes from under the eaves. It was not immediately obvious to me why my mother had preserved certain of these items. Take for example one of the toddler size T-shirts. The vintage […]

Chester Chatter: Fall cleaning is for memories
By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Fall has arrived. And it means I am doing my fall house cleaning. Somehow I skipped over spring cleaning and am going slow due to the fact that I am bumping into memories such as notes, photos, newspaper clippings and of course some pure junk. Here is my […]

Henry Homeyer: The art of hedges and fences
By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC While vacationing recently on the Maine coast I admired many nice gardens. Many of them had hedges or fences, more than I am used to seeing in rural New Hampshire. When settlers first arrived in New England they dug out stones left by the glaciers some 10,000 years […]

Reporting issues boost state Covid-19 numbers Windsor County positive numbers continue to rise
© 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC This week, Vermont Health Officials were able to deflect a record-setting daily total of 314 positive Covid-19 cases announced on Thursday by indicating that there were some reporting issues from various partners that were impacting that number. The previous highest daily total was 266 cases reported for March 31, 2020. […]

Chester Dems meet Sept. 22 for reorganization
The Chester Democratic Town Committee will hold it biennial reorganization Caucus at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 22 on the 2nd floor of Chester Town Hall, 566 Elm St. All Democrats are welcome. Bring a friend or a newcomer to Chester who has expressed an interest in becoming involved with and supporting the Democratic Party […]

See you this weekend — Sept. 18 & 19 — at the Chester Festival on the Green!
By Cynthia Prairie ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Community Events committee is excited that its months-long efforts for this weekend’s Chester Festival on the Green are finally coming to fruition. But committee chairman Scott Blair told The Telegraph on Thursday that he wanted to clear up some possible confusion. Contrary to one media report […]

New teahouse in Chester holds grand opening
On Friday, Sept. 17, the Vermont Tea House, located at 15 Depot St. in Chester, will hold a grand opening celebration with a ribbon cutting ceremony. The open house will run from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday with the ribbon cutting ceremony, accompanied by the Okemo Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce, taking place at […]

Andover Board, residents complain about Chester emergency service, cost Negotiations, creating a fire department among strategies
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC A discussion of the amounts charged by the Town of Chester for fire protection and ambulance service took up a large portion of the Monday, Sept. 13 Andover Select Board meeting with one board member saying he had been shopping the service around but no other town […]

MacLaury seeks donations for cancer research Jimmy Fund walk honors 14-year-old grandson
Carol MacLaury of Weston is reaching out to ask friends and neighbors to consider donating in honor of her now 14-year-old grandson, Graham, as she joins walkers virtually in the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk: Your Way to support cancer research at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. The event takes place on Sunday, Oct. 3. In […]

Vermont Climate Council seeks feedback on action plan
MONTPELIER From hotter days to more frequent and intense storms, Vermont’s climate patterns are clearly shifting and impacting our state. This fall, state officials, local leaders and members of the Vermont Climate Council invite the public to attend one of several events to learn about the development of the state’s Climate Action Plan and help […]

UPDATED: Londonderry delays cannabis vote to Oct. 20
UPDATE: The Londonderry Select board has moved the vote on the cannabis issue to Wednesday Oct. 20, with an informational meeting to be held on Wednesday, Oct. 13. The meeting will be officially warned after Friday, Sept. 17. The Town of Londonderry’s special Town Meeting, scheduled for Friday, Sept. 17, 2021 for local voters […]

New at Chester Festival: Vaxx clinic, family-friendly farm events
By Cynthia Prairie ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Vermont National Guard will be hosting a walk-in Covid-19 vaccine clinic at the Chester Festival on the Green from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 18, to administer the single dose Johnson & Johnson inoculation to anyone 18 and older. The tent will be set […]

Claudine Langille to perform at Londonderry farmers market
From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 18, the West River Farmers Market, located at Routes 11 and 100 in Londonderry, will be hosting Claudine Langille, a solo artist playing and singing original tunes and traditional music from Ireland, Scotland and the Americas. Langille is known throughout Vermont for her melodious talent with […]

Left in Andover: The stunning strength of Erika
By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC I have yet to fulfill my cousin Erika’s expectations of me as an artist. But this is my failing, not hers. One excuse is that I truly enjoy being a craftsperson, making functional clay pots. Another reason is economic; I don’t feel free to take that much risk. […]

Chester Chatter: Sunset at Windows on the World
By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC It was a beautiful crystal clear summer morning. Birds were chirping. The sun shown bright and the river in front of my farmhouse flowed along slowly. I was some upset however since I was home sick and had lost a work day. I laid on my couch and […]