Archive for October, 2021

Two Covid cases send 5th & 6th graders at CAES home
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Chester-Andover Elementary School currently has two cases of Covid-19, causing the majority of the 5th and 6th graders to be sent home yesterday and today. According to Katherine Fogg, principal at both CAES and Cavendish Town Elementary School, they should be returning at the end of next week. CTES continues to […]

Chester Select Board to end contracting emergency services to Andover in 2022 Cites 'heightened animosity' and 'clear distrust' of Chester
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC On Wednesday night, the Chester Select Board decided — after a one hour executive session — that the town would no longer provide its fire and ambulance coverage to Andover after the end of this year. When the board came out of the closed door meeting, board […]

Andover Select Board agenda for Oct. 11
The Select Board of the Town of Andover will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 11 at Andover Town Office, 953 Weston-Andover Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: Act on the minutes from the September 27th meeting. 4. Public Comment […]

Chester emergency departments explain costs, training, services in Andover
By Shawn Cunningham © Telegraph Publishing LLC An informational meeting on emergency services between the Andover and Chester select boards Monday night was winding down when Andover board member Chris Walker slammed a travel mug on the table and walked out saying that the Town of Chester wasn’t listening and would force Andover to pay […]

Caretakers seek winter home for ‘Jersey 5’ Hope has cancer; nearby permanent lodgings sought for small herd
By Cynthia Prairie ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Andover folks who rescued the “Jersey 5” are currently seeking winter room and board for the small herd as they also deal with the news that the eye infection of one cow, Hope, was indeed caused by cancer that will likely recur. Two weeks ago, a disparate […]

Sheila More Ogden, 92, of Landgrove
Sheila More Ogden died at home on Aug. 31, 2021 at the age of 92. Sheila was predeceased by her husband, Samuel R. Ogden III, who died on Jan. 26, 2018 at the age of 92. Sheila was born in Buffalo, N.Y., and spent many summers in Landgrove, Vt., before she and Sam moved to […]

TRSU board agenda for Oct. 7
The Board of Directors of the Two Rivers Supervisory Union will meet from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 7 in the Professional Development Room of Ludlow Elementary School, 45 Main St., and via Zoom. To access via Zoom:| and Phone: 646-876-9923 Below is its agenda. I. Call to Order A. Roll Call […]

Specker performs at last West River Farmers Market of season
Visit the West River Farmers Market for its final market of the 2021 season. From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 9, the West River Farmers Market, located at Routes 11 and 100 in Londonderry, will be hosting musician Ida Mae Specker, a solo artist playing and singing traditional old-time and Appalachia-style tunes. […]

Powerful ‘Mountaintop’ built on sterling performances
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Mountaintop – now running at Weston’s Walker Farm stage – is a fantasy that imagines the last night of Martin Luther King’s life set in Room 306 of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis during a thunderstorm. It is April 3, 1968. King has just delivered his […]

14th Warm Hands Warm Hearts giveaway set for Oct. 22 & 23 Gently used donations accepted for this free event
The 14th annual Warm Hands Warm Hearts clothing, coats and blanket drive will take place in Chester from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday Oct. 22 and Saturday, Oct. 23 at the Chester Baptist Church, 162 Main St. Come choose free winter coats, boots, sweaters, blankets etc. for yourself or someone you know who […]

To the editor: People should not be used as mascots
Mascots are symbolic figures adopted by a group to bring them good luck, to promote a sense of teamwork and unity, and to symbolize the attributes that the group aspires to. A stereotype is an oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. I believe that, when an image is based […]

Grace Cottage offers LGBTQ+ affirming care
TOWNSHEND Grace Cottage understands that it can be challenging in a rural area to access appropriate primary care that is specifically affirming of gender and sexuality. Grace Cottage’s Equity Committee has been considering these needs, and the Grace Cottage primary care clinic is now offering the following gender-affirming services: Affirming primary care for adults and […]

Left in Andover: Taking a break
By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Susan is putting down the pen and taking a break for a while. Look for her return in the near future!

Chester Chatter: Celebrating our new Public Safety Building
By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Chester is a small town. But we are so lucky to have the public services that we have. We have our own police, ambulance and fire departments, and our own water and sewer in the downtown area. Last Sunday, we celebrated the brand new home for our police, […]

Green Mountain Unified School Board to hold special meeting Oct. 5
The board of directors of the Green Mountain Unified School District will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 5, at the GM High School Media Center, 716 VT-103 in Chester, and via Zoom: 646-876-9923 Below is its agenda. I. CALL TO ORDER: A. Roll call II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: III. PUBLIC […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Oct. 6
The Chester Select Board will hold its regular meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 6 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St., and via Zoom. To access via Zoom: Meeting ID: 819 8884 2129 or Below is its agenda. 1. Approve Minutes from the September 15, 2021 Selectboard Meeting and September 24, 2021 Special Selectboard Meeting 2. Citizen […]

Henry Homeyer: the unfortunate gardener gets the worm
By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC After decades of improving my garden soil, I have an infestation of Asian jumping worms. They can eat all the organic material in the soil, depleting it terribly. These foreign invaders multiply more quickly than our common worms, outcompeting them. Everything I have read about them says they […]

Weekly Update: Fewer CAES students remain in quarantine; state seeks better tracing method
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Chester elementary school students have returned to in-person instruction this week, with only a handful of students in quarantine, according to Katherine Fogg, principal at both Chester-Andover and Cavendish Town elementary schools. The Springfield School District’s four schools were all closed on Monday to catch up with contact-tracing efforts, but were […]

Special Select Board meeting with Andover, Chester set for Monday Discussion to revolve around emergency services operations
The Chester Select Board will be holding a special meeting with the Andover Select Board at 6 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 4 at the Andover Town Hall, 953 Andover-Weston Road, in Andover. Below is its agenda. 1. Citizen Comments 2. Educational/Training Session with Andover on Emergency Services Operations – no action will be taken – […]