ANR webinars for individuals, businesses, towns outline ARPA funds for water, housing projects
Press release | Nov 22, 2021 | Comments 0
The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources has been hosting a webinar series to provide more details about the American Rescue Plan Act funding opportunities

ARPA funds are available through the state for individuals, businesses and towns to deal with water runoff, management, infrastructure. Telegraph file photo.
ANR has $100 million in ARPA funding available to Vermonters ready to in invest in critical infrastructure projects that support water and sewer systems, housing affordability, and water quality improvements.
“If you’re a municipal manager or Selectboard member interested in pursuing a community-scale
At each webinar, state officials will focus on one priority funding area. Four webinars have already been held. The six priority funding areas are:
- Investing in pretreatment facilities to help businesses such as food and beverage manufacturers, grow their operations in-place without overwhelming municipal treatment facilities.
- Village water and sewer infrastructure such as drinking water or wastewater systems.
- Managing stormwater runoff from impervious (i.e. paved) surfaces.
- Helping homeowners replace failed drinking water wells and septic systems.
- Eliminating sewer overflows from municipal wastewater systems.
- Installing drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater systems in manufactured home communities.
“Towns throughout Vermont are working on prioritizing their needs as they relate to their ARPA awards. Projects involving water and sewer are rising to the top of their lists,” said Ted Brady, executive director of the Vermont League of Cities and Towns. “VLCT’s members understand that these pieces of infrastructure are critical to achieving their larger goals such as increasing housing affordability and attracting and sustaining businesses from general stores with cafes to breweries and light industrial enterprises. ANR’s webinar series is both timely and valuable. We encourage all our members to attend and spread the word to their community members.”
Each webinar will be one hour long and will focus on a specific priority area. The schedule is below. Webinars are open to anyone who would like to attend. No preregistration is required. All sessions will be recorded and posted to the Agency’s ARPA webpage, so that you can view the earlier sessions that you may have missed.
Managing stormwater runoff from 3-acre sites
Tuesday, November 30, 2021 | 11 a.m. – noon
Who should attend: property owners of 3-acre sites, regional planning commissioners, municipalities, funding entities, community development organizations, and water infrastructure organizations.
Padraic Monks, DEC’s Financial and Loan Programs Manager, will provide an overview of the funding that will become available to help individuals and businesses follow new rules for properties with three or more acres of impervious surfaces such as rooftops, paved lots and roads or gravel areas, that require stormwater treatment to reduce pollution. In total, $9 million is presently appropriated to support this work. Come to this webinar to learn more about DEC’s plans for distributing funding, including several possible funding models from bulk contracting of engineering services to rebates for individual projects, as well as the approximate schedule for the roll-out of funding programs. To join, please use this link or dial 802-828-7667; conference ID: 644 266 118#
Improving drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater systems in manufactured home communities
Tuesday, November 30, 2021 | 1 – 2 p.m.
Who should attend: manufactured home community owners, economic and community development organizations.
Adam Miller, DEC’s Director of Environmental Compliance, will provide more details about the proposed $15 million in grants to improve living conditions for people in manufactured home communities and help residents follow Vermont’s environmental regulations. Grants can be used to complete a needs assessment, receive technical assistance, and cover construction costs necessary to implement water infrastructure solutions. Join this webinar to learn more about total funding available, how the money can be used, and how to apply for grants. To join, please use this link or dial 802-828-7667 and enter the conference ID: 895 599 676#
If you need translation services, hearing or language accommodations, or have questions about the webinars and their content, please email
Filed Under: Latest News
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.