To the editor: Board praises ‘amazing’ SMCS staff during these difficult Covid times
The Chester Telegraph | Feb 08, 2022 | Comments 1
It is with an immense amount of pride that the Board of Directors of Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. would like to acknowledge the amazing efforts and commitment of all the staff of SMCS over the last two years during this pandemic.
Their efforts have highlighted that excellent care is a team effort and that everyone’s role is vital to delivering quality patient services.
Many people have stepped up, putting in extra time, assisting other team members with tasks not normally their own, keeping conditions safe for patients and staff, spending more time away from their families, and continuing to provide care to the patients of our region.
Without these efforts, quality care delivered locally in a professional and competent manner would not have been possible.
We hope that in the coming weeks and months, the pandemic will ease, and the staff will be able to get back to delivering that care in a much less stressful environment.
Board of Directors
Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc.
Bob Flint, Chairperson
Tony Petrillo, Secretary
Steve Varone, Treasurer
Jenny Anderson
Rick Bibens
Richard Dexter, III
Amanda McLeod
Hal Moore
Kelly Pajala
Jim Rumrill
Cheryl Sanctuary
Susan P. White
Filed Under: Commentary • Letters to the Editor
About the Author:
The SMCS staff are amazing. I cannot imagine the immense stress they have all been under these past two years. The healthcare profession on its own is a stressful occupation but working in it during an epidemic… bless them.
I hope the board will show their appreciation in a financial way as well. Healthcare workers are far undervalued. Under paid at all staffing levels but especially front end staff.
They take the initial heat from all of us and the heat from clinixal staff, all while trying to keep a smile on their faces.
Stay well, keep safe!