Chester Chatter: Time to spread some love
Ruthie Douglas | Feb 14, 2022 | Comments 0
By Ruthie Douglas
©2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC
But it’s a good reminder to make sure that at least once a year you let those you love know it.
For years, I have saved little mementos that my daughters have given me, mostly made at school. At the 5 & dime store, young kids could buy sheets of Valentines that they could cut out and give to their classmates.
When I was in school, kids would decorate boxes and make slots to receive their Valentine cards, homemade or otherwise. Teachers would allow us to keep those boxes on our desks for a couple of days. Then our mothers would come to school bearing cookies and drinks and we’d open our boxes.
For adults, a Valentine’s Day could include a bouquet of flowers, dinner and some nice jewelry. Of course, when I was a newly married young woman, my husband Don bought me a rather expensive snow shovel. Love can be shown in many ways.
Isn’t it nice to spread some love around, at least once a year and more?
Scene and heard
My high schoolmate of a longtime ago has died. Bill Moore lived at one end of Union Street in Springfield and my family lived at the other end. Every morning, he drove down in his beautiful blue convertible Buick and picked my sister and me up for school.Sir Henry the Kitten has gone back to live with his former owner, who missed him very much. He was really too much for me to take care of.
Filed Under: Chester Chatter • Community and Arts Life
About the Author: Ruthie Douglas is originally from Springfield but has called Chester her home for 58 years, and has been writing the Chester Chatter column for more than 40 of those years. Ruthie is also a longtime volunteer throughout the community.