To the editor: Dakin on running for re-election to Chester Select Board
The Chester Telegraph | Feb 22, 2022 | Comments 1
Thanks to the hard work and continuing efforts of our residents who are active in their support of the municipal and school functions that often we take for granted, Chester is an attractive and good place to live. Our school system, including Green Mountain Union High School and Chester-Andover Elementary School, continues to meet the challenges of educating our students in the face of our Covid pandemic as it supports education for all and academic opportunities.
Our town government works hard to provide those services not often found in a rural Vermont town with a population of a bit more than 3,000 permanent residents. We have a municipal water and sewer system serving our residents and business owners in the Village area.
Our town recreation department oversees many sporting and outdoor activities for our residents, young and old, with sports leagues for the kids, town swimming pool, skate board park, and skating rink at the Pinnacle. Our new Town Emergency Services Building not only reflects our commitments to support improved safety, rescue and fire services to our town and extended community, but also and importantly provides our police officers and emergency responders with an up-to-date and efficient station to house their equipment and provide meeting space for on-going training requirements.
I am proud to serve as a member of the Select Board of this rural town of Chester, whose government continues to provide services and opportunities for its residents and community that often exceed the expectations of most small rural towns. During my previous 11 years on the Select Board and my three terms in the Vermont legislature, I have worked hard and thoughtfully to make Chester a good place to live, to raise a family and to own a small business.
Please vote for me at Town Meeting voting day on March 1, 2022.
Thanks for your support.
Leigh Dakin
Filed Under: Commentary • Letters to the Editor
About the Author:
Congratulations, Leigh, on your overwhelming win!