Chester Chatter: Ushering in the rockin’ ‘50s
Ruthie Douglas | Feb 28, 2022 | Comments 0
By Ruthie Douglas
©2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC
Most of the fathers in the neighborhood worked in “the shops.” When they came home, playtime was over and at 6 p.m. supper was on the table.
Following dinner, Dad read the newspaper and listened to the news on television. I would then clear off the supper table so that my sister and I could do our homework right there. This was the routine for most of the families.
Then came the 1950s. As teenagers, life changed a bit, including our style of dress. Dungarees and white buck shoes were in. Young people were seeking a new way of life and of excitement. Those changes showed up in our music. And the rocking 1950s were on their way.
Families began to have a couple of cars, a new television set and ranch style homes began to overtake the typical two-story bungalows. Families were able to take vacations. Life was getting better, it seemed.
Scene and heard
It’s almost St. Patrick’s Day, and it is time to take the Christmas wreaths down.Congratulations to my grandson Alex Bolaski and his wife Kathyrn, who have bought a new home in Westminster.
Springfield High School Class of 1959 will meet for lunch on Friday at Riverside Restaurant. Lunch was canceled last Friday due to the snowstorm.
We have some seriously icy walking conditions. Please be careful out there.
Chester is holding the town’s informational meeting at 6 p.m. tonight — Monday, Feb. 28, including a discussion retail cannabis, at Town Hall, 556 Elm St., and on Zoom. Join Zoom by clicking this link: Meeting ID: 854 8580 6279​ or
Voting will take place on Tuesday at Town Hall. Exercise your franchise!
Filed Under: Chester Chatter • Community and Arts Life
About the Author: Ruthie Douglas is originally from Springfield but has called Chester her home for 58 years, and has been writing the Chester Chatter column for more than 40 of those years. Ruthie is also a longtime volunteer throughout the community.