Archive for February, 2022

VSAC scholarship deadline is Feb. 11
Friday, Feb. 11 is the last day to apply for scholarships assisted by the Vermont Student Assistance Corp. Every year VSAC compiles a scholarship booklet of opportunities available only to Vermont residents. You can access that booklet by clicking here. It is important to note that many of those scholarships receive only 100 or so […]

Cabin Fever Auction to benefit Grace Cottage
Picture yourself on a tropical vacation or on safari in South Africa! Or create a new view at home with some artwork or a local craft item. Or maybe you’re hankering for a dinner outing. Grace Cottage’s annual Cabin Fever Online Auction offers over 150 items donated by generous local businesses and individuals, with all […]

Program focuses on quality of the Williams River
Water quality monitoring samples have been collected along the Williams River for many years. Ryan O’Donnell, water quality coordinator for the Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance and the Connecticut River Conservancy, will present the results of several years of monitoring studies from the river during an online Zoom discussion at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 9. […]

Op-ed: Covid exacerbates, highlights inequality of working women
By Kellie Campbell, Ed.D. Vermont Commission on Women If you have been to a restaurant lately, you have probably seen signs on the door about being short-staffed and asking for your patience. Perhaps you are a parent who received a message from your childcare provider about having to close early or shorten hours due to […]