Water or septic system failing? State offering ARPA funds to help
Press release | Mar 08, 2022 | Comments 0

The state is offering ARPA funds to help with water and septic systems. Photo by mrjn Photography on Unsplash
The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources is providing $1 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding to support low- and moderate-income Vermont homeowners in repairing or replacing their failed or inadequate on-site water or wastewater systems – often referred to as wells or septic systems.Eligible homeowners with failed or inadequate wells, springs, septic tanks, leach fields or wastewater systems are encouraged to apply for funding by April 15, 2022 to be considered for the first round of funding. This funding will ensure Vermonters have access to safe drinking water and adequate wastewater disposal. Applicants will be notified of first round awards in May and June, and awards must be spent prior to the end of 2026. Starting April 16, 2022, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and funding will be provided as available.
The eligibility requirements include:
- A failed or inadequate drinking water or wastewater system
- Residential property owners who own and reside on the property
- Single units or owner-occupied multi-family homes, up to four units
- Households earning up to $120,000 per year
Community groups cannot directly receive awards but can help homeowners by directing them to this program and helping them apply as needed. For those with accessibility needs, the Agency has a dedicated staff member who can help fill out the application at no cost to those who request this additional assistance.
For more information, visit the funding webpage by clicking here.
Interested parties are also invited to attend a webinar from noon to 1 p.m. on Friday, March 18 on Microsoft Teams by clicking here or call in to 802-828-7667, Phone Conference ID: 361 521 6# to learn more and ask any questions about the process.
Filed Under: Latest News
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.