Archive for April, 2022

Drug Take-Back Day set for April 30
From 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 30, the Windsor County Sheriff’s Office, local and state law enforcement agencies and the federal Drug Enforcement Administration will give the public another opportunity to rid their homes of potentially dangerous, expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs (including powders and patches). The Take-Back Day event is […]

Op-ed: Legislature faces challenge of housing crisis
By Sen. Alison Clarkson After many long floor sessions debating and passing bills to the other body, the legislature has pretty much completed crossover, that point in the session where all bills that have any chance of making it into law have to be passed from the House to the Senate or vice versa. It […]

GMHS theater presents ‘Middletown’ April 8 & 9 A modern take on 'Our Town'
© 2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Green Mountain High School theater will present Middletown, a play by noted playright Will Eno, at 7 p.m. Friday, April 8 and Saturday, April 9 at the high school, 716 Rt. 103 south in Chester. The play is a modern take on the classic Our Town, which director Pamela Johnson-Spurlock […]

Chester Select Board agenda for April 6
The Chester Select Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 6, at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. and on Zoom. To join the meeting go to . Below is its agenda. 1. Approve Minutes from the March 16, 2022 Selectboard Meeting 2. Citizen Comments/Answers from Previous Meeting 3. Old Business 4. Sign […]

GM girls softball preview: ‘…enjoy the game while taking it seriously’
By Evan Chadwick © 2022 Telegraph Publishing On the heels of a 10-6 2021 season and a trip to the quarterfinals, the Green Mountain Softball team enters the 2022 campaign with a solid core of players returning, along with several newcomers who will be called upon to fill the significant holes left by the class […]

Springfield Rotary Club announces speech winners
The Springfield Rotary Club held its annual “4-Way Speech Contest” at a recent meeting. The contest is for Springfield High School students to speak about how the Rotary “4-Way Test” applies to situations in their lives. Those four principles are: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better […]

Grow sunflowers, raise funds: CTES students sell seed packets for Ukrainian relief
As a continuing effort to help the people of Ukraine during the invasion by Russia, students at Cavendish Town Elementary School have been preparing sunflower seed packets for area residents and visitors. The sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine and has historically meant peace. The sunflower is the national flower of the Ukraine and represents […]

Chester Chatter: Taking some time off
By Ruthie Douglas ©2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC Due to a recent illness, Ruthie will be taking some time off. Please keep her in your thoughts.

Henry Homeyer: Easy-to-grow nuts and berries
By Henry Homeyer © 2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC Every year you probably plant tomatoes. Wouldn’t it be great if they would come back every year without the bother of preparing the soil, starting seedlings in April and setting them out? Well that’s what nut and fruit trees and berry bushes do: once planted (and mature), […]