To the editor: Tri-Mtn Lions Club food drive benefits local agencies
The Chester Telegraph | May 25, 2022 | Comments 0

Laura Gianotti (left), Director of the Stratton/Winhall Community Food Shelf, accepts a Tri-Mtn Lions “Food from the Heart” check from Lion Pat Glabach
More than 400 pounds of food and hygiene products were delivered to the Neighbor’s Pantry in Londonderry. Additionally, $600.00 in cash was generously donated, which was distributed evenly between the Stratton/Winhall Food Shelf and the Neighbor’s Pantry.
Thank you to all who donated. Where there’s a need, there’s a Lion. And in this case, “a kind and caring community.”
Mark your calendars, The Tri-Mtn Lions Duck Derby will be held on Saturday, July 2 following the parade in Londonderry. We will be selling tickets in the community; watch for our signs.
Randee Keith
Administrator, Londonderry Area Tri-Mtn Lions Club
Filed Under: Commentary • Letters to the Editor
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