Archive for June, 2022

Vermont 211 launches new website for community resources
Vermont 211, a confidential 24/7 helpline that connects Vermonters with community, health and human services, has launched a new website. “Vermont 211 is pleased to take our 17-year-old service into the 21st century with new ease of access and tools to find resources and to look up data and other information,” said Elizabeth Gilman, interim […]

‘Chester Inn’ chargers donated to Fullerton, Historical Society Former owners' son presents engraved plates
Photos and text by Cynthia Prairie © 2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC Warren Mackensen and his wife Patricia visited Chester on Tuesday from their home in Hampton, N.H., to lunch with old friends and serve two plates, but ones not bearing food. The historic copper plates were part of a set of 60 chargers that Mackensen’s […]

Whiting Library board reorganizes with six new members
By Shawn Cunningham © 2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC One week after being appointed by the Chester Select Board, six new trustees of the Whiting Library joined Donna McNeill-Hudkins — the sole remaining trustee — to reorganize the board. The appointments became necessary when six out of seven trustees resigned in the wake of controversy over […]

To the editor: Vote Malloy for U.S. Senate
I am writing this letter in support of Gerald Malloy for U.S. senator from Vermont. Gerald graduated from West Point in 1984. He was an active duty field artillery officer and a paratrooper. He served our nation honorably and with distinction for 22 years. He has a MBA from Temple University. I have met Gerald […]

SCVBR announces winners of Realtor of the Year and Good Neighbor Award
After 2-year hiatus, members of the South Central Vermont Board of Realtors gathered at the Manchester Country Club on June 6 for a celebration and announcement of the 2022 Realtor of the Year and Good Neighbor Award. Claudia Harris, owner and principal broker of Mary Mitchell Miller Real Estate in Weston, was named Realtor of […]

‘A Tale of Green Mountain Boys’ to be performed on Chester Green
A two-man play, Ethan & Ira: A Tale of the Green Mountain Boys, will be performed on the Chester Green at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 28. It’s a dialogue between Ethan Allen, portrayed by Lawrence Zupan, and his younger brother Ira, played by Zachary Zupan, that brings the audience dramatically through their adventures at […]

TRSU sponsors summer meals sites
© 2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC As schools close for the summer, the school meals many children rely on also come to an end. Thanks to the USDA’s Summer Food Service Program, however, learning and good nutrition do not stop when the school doors close. Two Rivers Supervisory is sponsoring a summer meals site this year, […]

‘North Derry: Marble Works to Freight Wagon’ History show opens at LAHS on July 2
The Londonderry Arts and Historical Society’s 2022 history show will be on display at the Custer Sharp House, 2461 Middletown Road, in Londonderry, from July 2 to Aug. 13. It will feature photos, paintings and artifacts chronicling the history of North Londonderry. Also on exhibit will be items that pay tribute to two adored Londonderry […]

Henry Homeyer: Your early summer to-dos
By Henry Homeyer © 2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC With the advent of summer, it is time to buckle down and get a few jobs done in the garden. In the vegetable garden it’s time to thin out extra plants that are crowding each other. In addition to carrots and beets, others like rutabagas, kohlrabi and […]

Jeld Wen lays off 80, shutters N. Springfield plant Work will move to Ludlow and other locations
By Shawn Cunningham © 2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC On Wednesday, most employees at the North Springfield Jeld Wen Door Systems plant learned that they would be losing their jobs and that their workplace would be closed immediately. Also happening immediately will be consolidation of the Springfield operations into the company’s Ludlow plant. The company employed […]

Chester board hears community garden proposal, appoints six library trustees
By Shawn Cunningham © 2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC At its June 15 meeting, the Chester Select Board appointed six new trustees to the Whiting Library board and received a request for the use of the Canal Street well site from the group that wants to put community garden plots – and eventually a greenhouse – […]

Green Mountain graduates 52 under fair skies
By Shawn Cunningham © 2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Green Mountain High School Class of 2022 got a perfect evening for its graduation exercises last Friday as 52 students shifted the tassels on their mortarboard caps and became alumni. Hundreds of parents and friends watched as members of the class received awards and diplomas. A […]

Emma Kirdzik, Mackenzie Martin named winners of Bremer History Prize
The Frances Bremer History Prize is awarded each year by Paul Bremer of Chester, in memory of his late wife, who was an ardent student of history. The $1,000 prize was established in 2020 and is given to a student or group of students at Green Mountain Union High School. Applicants create an original […]

Public records search of Merrill files turns up no complaints related to alleged behavior
By Cynthia Prairie ©2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC Following a Public Records Act request by The Chester Telegraph for access to all documents — including personnel files — related to any complaint or concern filed against former Green Mountain teacher Norm Merrill, the Two Rivers Supervisory Union has replied that a hand search of paper files […]

College News
Mackenzie Owen Walton of Chester received a master of business administration from Clarkson University, located in Potsdam, N.Y., in May 2022. Congratulations to the graduates of the Class of 2022 of the University of Hartford in West Hartford, Conn. Adam Culver of Grafton Benjamin Haseltine of Chester The following students recently graduated from Castleton University […]

Andover Select Board agenda for June 27
The Select Board for the Town of Andover will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, June 27 at the Andover Town Office, 953 Andover Road, and via Zoom. To connect via Zoom, see below. Here is the agenda. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on the Agenda. 3. Act on the Minutes: […]

Chester Select Board special meeting set for June 22
The Chester Select Board will hold a special meeting at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 22 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1. Citizen Comments 2. Sign Tax Anticipation Note 3. Sign Equipment Loan for Highway Truck 4. Adjourn

To the editor: Balint runs for U.S. House for Vermont
In politics, there are two types of candidates: those who run to win and those who run to work. Over the last 16 years, Vermonters have been lucky to have a representative in the U.S. House who knows the real goal of running isn’t winning, but working every day on behalf of Vermonters. If we […]

Early primary voting starts Friday
MONTPELIER Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos announced that Friday, June 24 is the official start of early voting for the Vermont Statewide Primary Election, to be held on Tuesday, Aug. 9. “Early voting options have proven to increase both voter access and voter participation in our civic process,” said Condos. “Our democracy is stronger […]

Springfield Rotary awards scholarships to grads
ROTARY SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS: Springfield Rotary Club members Jim Fog, left, and Bob Flint flank this year’s Rotary Scholarship winners, from left, Ariana Cioffi, Timothy Amsden and Emily Chamberlin, who were each awarded a $2,000 scholarship. Cioffi will be attending the University of New England, Amsden will be at Western New England University and Chamberlin will […]