Andover Select Board agenda for June 13

The Select Board for the town of Andover will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, June 13 at the Andover Town Office, 953 Andover Road, and via Zoom. To access via Zoom see bottom of page.

Below is its agenda.

1. Call Select Board meeting to order.
2. Act on Agenda.
3. Act on Minutes: Act on the minutes from the May 23rd meeting.
4. Public Comment (Time allowance: Five minutes per visitor, 10 minutes per topic): Members of the public may address the Board on appropriate topics that are not on this meeting’s agenda.

5. New Business: A. Legal Trail # 11 – consider a request for use by Mark Carey

6. Old Business: A. Budget update; B. LBF – ROW

7. Highways / Garage: A. Road Commissioner’s report: 1. Follow up on debris clean-up on paved part of Middletown Rd

8. Correspondence.
9. Financial Orders.
10. Adjourn.

Zoom access:

Meeting ID: 869 021 5007; Passcode: 146374; Dial by your location +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)

Next Select Board Meeting, 06/27/2022, 6:30 p.m.

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