U.S. House candidates to participate in Ludlow forum

From left Becca Balint, Molly Gray, Dr. Louis Meyers, Sianay Chase Clifford and Liam Madden.

Five candidates seeking their party’s nomination for the Vermont seat in the U.S. House of Representatives will participate in a candidates’ forum in the Ludlow Town Hall’s Heald Auditorium at 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 21.

Candidates will be asked questions by the forum’s moderator dealing with regional, state and national issues.  Following these questions, the audience will have an opportunity to ask the panel questions.

The candidates seeking the Democratic Party’s nomination for the Congress include Becca Balint, Molly Gray, Sianay Chase Clifford and Dr. Louis Meyers.  The candidate seeking the Republican Party’s nomination who will be participating in the forum is Liam Madden.  Two other Republican candidates, Anya Tynio and Ericka Lynn Redic, have been invited to participate but either have yet to confirm their appearance or have withdrawn.

Sponsored by the Friends of the Ludlow Auditorium, the event will be moderated by Jim Alic, FOLA chairman.  Jacalyn Diesenhouse will serve as the timer.  George Thomson and Kevin Kuntz will act as monitors for audience questions to the panel.  Okemo Valley TV will record the forum for subsequent airing over its local channels and distribution to other state public TV channels.

The forum is open to everyone.  For questions and information, contact info@fola.us or 802-855-8883.


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