Londonderry launches housing needs study

© 2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC

Image by Jan via Pixabay

Image by Jan via Pixabay

The Town of Londonderry is conducting a study that will explore critical housing issues in the community and lead to the creation of a housing strategy. The study will include a detailed data analysis of demographic, economic, and housing trends in the town and surrounding region and will identify opportunities and develop strategies that address the unique challenges facing the community.

“Our goal in conducting this study is to help identify the community’s priority housing issues, and at the same time, estimate the number and types of housing units needed in Londonderry,” said Patty Eisenhaur, Housing Needs Assessment Committee Chair.

An online community housing survey will be available in October 2022 that will provide local residents and workers an opportunity to provide input for the housing study. Local and regional stakeholders will also be interviewed as part of the study to gain insights into the town’s housing needs.

“Understanding our demographics and conducting this survey are first steps necessary in addressing this key issue facing Londonderry. We hope residents will participate in the survey process as their input is critical to its success,” said Eisenhaur.

Melissa Brown, the Londonderry Selectboard’s representative on the Committee said: “The final output of this effort is to develop a housing strategy that identifies actionable steps the Town and its partners can take to address housing challenges.”

The study is being led by a committee of local citizens and town representatives, which was established September 2022. Camoin Associates, a Saratoga Springs, N.Y. based consulting firm, was commissioned to conduct the study between September 2022 and February 2023. Funds from the  American Rescue Plan Act were allocated by the Londonderry Selectboard to pay for the work.


Filed Under: Latest NewsLondonderry

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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  1. Doug Friant says:

    Many thanks to the committee for taking on this important work. We need affordable housing in Londonderry and the surrounding mountain towns. Londonderry needs to looks at its zoning regulations and open up areas for development including smaller lot sizes, areas for tiny homes, and areas for multi-unit housing. Yes, somehow “development” has become a dirty word in Vermont, but building affordable housing for our residents is “development” and Londonderry needs to support the effort so our people can afford to stay in our town.