To the editor: Vote White, McCormack, Clarkson

Dear fellow Windsor County citizens:

I’m privileged to live here and love my home in Vermont. I have a deep appreciation for the attributes I’ve found to be true here: natural beauty that requires diligent and careful protection, the can-do spirit of community and a willingness to help neighbors, and a dedication to collaboration to reach solutions rather than fight about who is right.

I haven’t always been as fortunate to live in a region that held these same values; for that reason, I treasure how dear what we have here is. Consequently, I fully support and endorse Alison Clarkson, Richard “Dick” McCormack, and Becca White for Windsor County Senate. The three share the values of our community, love it dearly, and sincerely have given of themselves in service here at home and across our state of Vermont.

As majority leader, Senator Clarkson works hard to build collaborative relationships to develop economic solutions that work for Vermont such as green energy development and agricultural support. Senator McCormack has been a stalwart advocate for the environment and a voice for civil rights and social justice throughout his career in service to our community.

Representative White is an amazing dynamo who embarked on her path in public service at 20 on the Select Board and has an outstanding diverse community-based resume (seriously, you have to meet this woman!). When you vote between now and Tuesday, Nov. 8, please cast your ballot for these strong advocates for all of us.

Kind regards,

Susan Watermann
Chair, Windsor County Democratic Committee

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