State seeks public input on eating disorders, treatment options Workgroup to hold virtual meeting on Nov. 28
The Chester Telegraph | Nov 14, 2022 | Comments 0

Photo by Kayla Koss on Unsplash
Are you struggling with an eating disorder? Have you or someone you care about struggled to find care for an eating disorder? The Eating Disorders Workgroup, chaired by the Department of Mental Health, wants to hear from you.
Please join the workgroup for a virtual meeting at 10 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 28 to share your experiences with seeking and receiving care for you or a loved one. Suggestions for improving treatment options in Vermont are also welcome. Public input will be shared with Vermont’s health care providers, lawmakers, and school systems.
For a link to the meeting, click here.
For a link to the meeting invitation or more information, visit The Eating Disorder Workgroup webpage.
There you will find:
Information about the workgroup and its charge
A calendar of future meetings, links to join the sessions, and upcoming agendas
Past meeting minutes, including a list of recommendations created by the workgroup so far.
For those unable to attend the Nov. 28 meeting, share your thoughts with the department at All communications will remain confidential unless you provide permission to use your name.
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