GM honors Student of the Month awardees

From left, in the back row are Jack Hinkley, Greta Bernier and Austin Stoodley. In the third row, again from the left are Cameron Bamforth, Aiden LeBarge, Riley Medina and Leda Malazarte. In the second row from left are Allyssa Green, Aiden Garvey, Colin Santiago, Jack Clark and Joa Gibson And in the front row from left are: Anna Bennett, Lindsey Alexander and Lacey Perry. Not pictured are Miles Glidden, Abigail Williams and Teagan Sheehan.

To recognize students who embody the spirit of the core values at Green Mountain Union High School, which include relationship, respect, responsibility and academic excellence, the school has established a “Student of the Month” recognition award.

This award honors those students who actively help make GM a vibrant school community. Following the end of the first semester, the school launched this recognition by selecting one student per month – by grade level – from the beginning of the school year. Principal Keith Hill expressed his “heartfelt congratulations to the students and families of our students, who make GM a great place to be.”

Filed Under: Education News

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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