Archive for June, 2023

West River Sports Association marks 50th with fundraiser
West River Sports Association, a non-profit club that promotes youth participation in Nordic skiing and soccer, marked its 50th anniversary by hosting the second annual Snow and Music Fundraiser at Magic Mountain Ski Area on Saturday, June 3. More than 500 attendees witnessed a thrilling duel slalom race featuring 36 elite cross-country ski racers, including several […]

Gassetts Grange Flea Market on June 24
Gassetts Grange #327, 3553 Route 103 North in Gassetts, is hosting an indoor/outdoor flea market from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, June 24. The event will be held rain or shine. Indoor tables can be rented for $5 each. Alternatively, you can bring your own table for outdoor use. There may be a […]

Henry Homeyer: How to plant and transplant your plants
By Henry Homeyer © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Once, a long time ago, I was sitting on a porch overlooking a landscape with an acquintance. I commented that if she removed or thinned a line of tall pine trees, she would have a lovely long view. “Great idea! I’ll have them moved,” she said. Even […]

Avant Vermont Dance debuts Seasons: Summer June 18
Avant Vermont Dance presents SEASONS: Summer, a family-friendly evening of original ballet and modern dance and interactive art making, at 5 p.m. on Sunday, June 18 at Comtu Cascade Park, Main Street in Springfield. Admission is by donation. Avant Vermont Dance’s company of regional dancers will showcase new works by choreographer Ashley Hensel-Browning set to […]

Cavendish Town Manager flushes water lines, Select Board punts School Board appointment back to GMUSD
By Cara Philbin ©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC On Monday, Cavendish’s new manager updated the Select Board on his efforts to stabilize the town’s water practices, telling the Telegraph that “everybody’s water should be back to normal by the time the paper comes out.” Richard Chambers says he has been working to tighten Cavendish’s drinking water […]

GMUSD Board agenda for June 15
The Green Mountain Unified School District Board will hold its regular meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday June 15 in the library of the Green Mountain Union High School, 716 Rt. 103 south and via Zoom. To join the meeting go to Below is the board’s agenda I. CALL TO ORDER: A. Roll call […]

Chester to expand ambulance service with new full-time hire
By Shawn Cunningham © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Ambulance Service could become a more extensive operation, providing community health services as part of that expansion if Town Manager Julie Hance’s vision comes to fruition. The first step came last Wednesday night when the Chester Select Board approved hiring a second full-time ambulance employee. […]

College News
Two area students were among more than 550 members of the Class of 2023 to graduate from St. Lawrence University, of Canton, N.Y., in late May. They are: Kenzie Anderson of Chester, a performance and communication arts major who attended Green Mountain Union High School. Hana Kusumi of South Londonderry, a government and philosophy major […]

Glorious day for the Chester Alumni Parade
© 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester High School and Green Mountain High Alumni Association celebrated its annual reunion Saturday with a parade along Main Street lined with appreciative spectators. Music was provided by the Green Mountain High School and Chester-Andover Elementary School bands. And a number of classes – including the soon-to-be graduated Class […]

Springfield Community Band season kicks off on June 20
The Springfield Community Band will perform this summer at the newly renovated Hartness House Inn, 109 Front St. in Springfield. The first of the band’s Tuesday evening concerts will begin at 7:30 p.m. on June 20. Come sit on the deck and enjoy a traditional Vermont summer evening. Drinks and finger food will be available […]

Annual Cavendish Ghost Walk on June 24
In keeping with Midsummer Night’s Eve, the Cavendish Historical Society will once again host the Cavendish Village Ghost tour at 8 p.m. on Saturday, June 24. Meet at the former Duttonsville School House, 66 Duttonsville School Drive in Cavendish. Wear comfortable shoes and bring a flashlight. The former Duttonsville School is thought to be haunted […]

Chester quilters honored at Billings exhibit
Two Chester quilters have been honored during the 37th Annual Quilt Exhibition being held through Sunday, July 23 at the Historic Barn at Billings Farm & Museum, 69 Old River Road in Woodstock. Chester residents received two of the three Juror’s Choice Awards. Linda Diak won for her quilt titled “Ruffled Feathers” and Patricia Ploof […]

David William Jarvie, 86, of Chester
David William Jarvie, 86, of Chester, passed away peacefully on May 4, 2023, at the VA Medical Center in White River Junction. Born on March 24, 1937, at Springfield Hospital in Springfield, he was the oldest son of late parents Edward Arvo Jarvie and Mirja Aallota McIntosh. In addition to his parents, David is preceded […]

Henry Homeyer: Learning from other gardeners
By Henry Homeyer © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC One of the best ways to learn how to create a lovely garden is to see others. Visit good gardens of neighbors, great gardens near and far. I recently visited three great gardens and, as always when viewing other gardens, they gave me much to consider. The […]

To the editor: Springfield Hospital thanks Claremont Savings Bank Foundation
Springfield Hospital is thankful for the grant received from the Claremont Savings Bank Foundation. This grant will support our Cardiopulmonary Department with the purchase of a new piece of equipment that is regularly used for the care of our patients with respiratory issues. “Many thanks go to the Claremont Savings Bank Foundation for their generosity to numerous […]

Two area first responders honored by Vermont
© 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Two area first responders – one from Chester and another from Londonderry – were recognized with state Emergency Medical Services awards as part of 49th annual National Emergency Medical Services Week in late May. Steve Vertefeuille of Chester was named First Responder of the Year for his service with the […]

Cannabis grower addresses Andover concerns
By Cynthia Prairie ©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Dustin Sherman believes he did not get much of a chance to address the concerns of the Andover community at Tuesday night’s hearing conducted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment at Andover Town Hall. With about 70 people in person and on Zoom, the meeting was more like […]

Andover residents criticize proposed pot farm Applicant's proposal barely gets a hearing
By Cynthia Prairie ©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC The potential for a lot of cannabis growing in their backyard drew more than 70 people in Andover to Tuesday’s Zoning Board of Adjustment hearing on a proposal to build up to four 24- by 96-foot greenhouses high up in the hills east of Terrible Mountain. The applicant, […]

Fund-raiser starts for interior, siding of Londonderry’s Bob Perry Lane housing project
In partnership with the Windham and Windsor Housing Trust since January 2022, the Mountain Towns Housing Project has announced the start of Phase 2 and the launch of a community fundraising campaign to finish the interior of the Bob Perry Lane house and clapboard the exterior for this affordable, single-family home off Hells Peak Road […]

Julians apply for Chester permit for quarry changes
By Shawn Cunningham © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC As foreshadowed in town attorney Jim Carroll’s legal memorandum to the Chester Select Board in April, the companies that own and operate quarries that have been the focus of many complaints in Gassetts have applied for a town permit to change the locations and scope of their […]