Julianna McDermid receives Eileen Austin Neal nursing scholarship

Robert Austin and Julianna McDermid

The 18th Annual Eileen Austin Neal RN Memorial Scholarship for Nursing, in the amount of $1,000, was awarded to Julianna McDermid of Chester. She plans to attend Saint Anselm College.

“My passion for nursing goes back to when I was a young girl,” says McDermid, “and my family has a long medical history, and I was around the hospital setting a lot. My 40 hours of clinical work for my LNA license were spent at Springfield Hospital.” McDermid said that it gave her such a “rush of adrenaline … and the constant feeling of doing something good has changed me.”

Eileen Austin Neal was a registered nurse at Springfield Hospital for 64 years, retiring in 2005. Upon her death in February of 2006, Neal’s family asked Springfield Hospital to establish a nursing scholarship fund in her name with memorial gifts received from the family and community members.

“As part of the Austin family, we congratulate Julianna and wish her good luck with her education,” said Eileen’s son, Robert Austin of Springfield.

“The family and friends of Eileen have been very generous in supporting this scholarship and are proud to keep the memory of Eileen alive in this way. Supporting the education of our young people is essential, and Springfield Hospital is honored to be a part of awarding this scholarship,” said Robert Adcock, CEO of Springfield Hospital.

Filed Under: College NewsEducation News

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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