Managing the Rain: Free stormwater expo Sept. 6 at Jackson Gore
Press release | Sep 05, 2023 | Comments 0

Okemo Brook, back to its usual flow, one week after its raging water washed away a large portion of the mountainside. Photo by Jeremy Harold.
Although we cannot control how much rain falls or how quickly, we can help water slow down, spread out and soak in before it reaches a storm-swollen stream.
The Black River Action Team invites everyone to join the stormwater conversation at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 6 at the Jackson Gore Inn, 111 Jackson Gore Road in Ludlow.
Featured speakers will be B.R.A.T. Director Kelly Stettner, explaining some basics of how rivers work; Ron Rhodes of the Connecticut River Conservancy, discussing several successful streambank stabilization projects that he has worked on and Mike Everhart of E.J. Prescott, sharing some of the products and procedures used by his company to manage stormwater in ways that reduce maintenance and long-term costs.
Please pre-register so the organizers can provide enough refreshments.
Remote participants can join via Zoom, which will be managed by the Connecticut River Conservancy; email B.R.A.T. Director Kelly Stettner for the link. The event will be recorded by Okemo Valley TV for later viewing.
Filed Under: Community and Arts Life • In the Community • Latest News
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.