Archive for January, 2024

To the editor: Vermont needs to help kids addicted to vaping
My son is addicted to vaping. He started when friends introduced him to a flavored vape product in high school when he was 17 and is now struggling to quit at 24. He’s part of Vermont’s youth tobacco addiction crisis that demands action — on two fronts. We can immediately remove the enticement for these […]

Derry Library hosts Chinese New Year event for children Jan. 27
The South Londonderry Free Library, 15 Old School Road, invites kids to usher in the Year of the Dragon with artist/teacher Casey Junker Bailey at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 27. This year, Chinese New Year falls on Saturday, Feb. 10. Junker Bailey, who went to Chinese school as a child and later traveled to […]

Henry Homeyer: Visiting a sculpture garden in winter
Editor’s note: This article is from 2012. By Henry Homeyer ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC January is generally an all-white month in my garden, though this year the snow has been off to a slow start. I love the curves of drifts, the smoothness of open spaces, the contrast between snow and the outlines of my […]

‘Just a Bill,’ give or take several hundred A quick look at what's up with proposed laws in Montpelier
By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Covering each year’s legislative session is nearly impossible for a small, local newspaper. To begin with, hundreds of bills are introduced even in a small state like Vermont. In the first three days of this year’s session, 203 would-be laws began a journey that most will never […]

Andover Select Board agenda for Jan. 22
The Andover Select Board will hold its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday Jan. 22 at the Town Office, 952 Weston-Andover Road. Below is the board’s agenda. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes of January 8th meeting. 4. Public Comment (Time allowance: Five minutes per visitor, 10 […]

To the editor: Chase schedules time to meet with constituents
To the residents of Chester, Grafton, Athens and Windham: I will be having constituent meetings in our communities throughout the legislative session on the dates and times as set out below. I look forward to meeting you face to face, hearing your thoughts and discussing matters of importance. This schedule is through April. More dates and […]

Collaborative offers Youth & Relationship Workshop at Flood Brook
The Collaborative presents Vermont Afterschool’s Matt Wolf, who will host a Youth and Relationship Workshop from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 23 at Flood Brook School, 91 VT-11 in Londonderry. This free workshop will offer the opportunity to learn about resiliency development and the basic principles of healing-centered care to gain a better […]

College News
Hannah Hallock of Springfield, a communications and media studies major, has been named to the President’s List for the fall 2023 semester at Plymouth State University in Plymouth, N.H. To be named to the President’s List, a student must achieve a grade point average of 3.70 or better and must have completed at least 12 […]

North, South Village wastewater plans proposed for Londonderry
By Cynthia Prairie ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Dufresne Group of Springfield has recommended two community wastewater disposal systems for the North and South Villages of the town of Londonderry. Christina Haskins, a vice president and engineer with Dufresne, presented the engineering company’s findings and recommendations last Wednesday before a group of residents and business […]

To the editor: Derry Rescue Squad, Technical Rescue receive hefty donation from Thrifty Attic
Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad and Londonderry Technical Rescue each recently received a $3,000 donation from the Thrifty Attic in Londonderry. We thank them for their generosity and their commitment to our community. January marks the halfway point in our year. From July 1, 2023 through Jan. 1, 2024, LVRS responded to 335 calls. We are […]

To the editor: The bane of flavored tobacco products
I recently turned down a deal with the devil. Two lobbyists with Altria, a big tobacco company, reached out to me because of my work with Vermont’s recovery and harm reduction community. They tried to convince me that flavored tobacco products serve as a “coping mechanism” for people in recovery and compared these products with […]

A Midwinter Afternoon with In The Rough Jan. 20
Old Parish Church and Little Yellow House Studio present A Midwinter Afternoon with In The Rough, a concert featuring the vocal trio In The Rough (Lisa Brigantino, Lori Brigantino and Andover resident Susan Haefner) at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 20 at the Old Parish Church, 100 Main St. in Weston. The concert will include […]

Nine towns in S. Vermont to benefit from revitalization funds
©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Gov. Phil Scott and the Department of Economic Development announced the fourth and final round of Community Recovery and Revitalization Program grant winners. The 40 approved projects are expected to support 1,810 existing jobs, enable the creation of 117 new jobs, build or rehabilitate 75 housing units, and add 60 new […]

Chester Water Commissioners, Select Board agendas for Jan. 17
The Chester Water/Wastewater Commission and the Chester Select Board will meet beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 17, at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. You can also participate in the meetings via Zoom by clicking here. Below are the Water Commission’s and the Select Board’s agendas. Water/Wastewater Commission Agenda 1. Citizen’s Comments 2. Approve […]

Sandra Shattuck, 73, of Chester
Sandra J. Shattuck, 73, died unexpectedly at her Chester home on Jan. 6, 2024. She was born Jan. 25, 1950 in Barton, Vt., the daughter of Richard and Helen (Fisk) LaBombard. She attended Springfield schools and graduated from Springfield High School. Sandra worked as a bookkeeper for several business in the area over the years. […]

New year, new calendar for Whiting Library
Based on community feedback, Whiting Library, 117 Main St. in Chester, has made some changes to its scheduled events programming to include more people of all ages and abilities. It is also adding programming from the Vermont Humanities Council. Schedule Changes Playtime The weekly drop-in playgroup will be held from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. […]

Chester snowmobilers: Class 4 road change could ‘cripple’ club Smokeshire land owners say road no longer belongs to town
By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC The discussion of a Class 4 road generally won’t fill the benches at Chester Town Hall, but last Wednesday more than 20 people turned out in person, with more attending via Zoom for a request to make a town road private. Paul Bidgood, who owns land in […]

College News
Jed Lober of Chester has been named to Honors for the fall 2023 semester of the 2023-2024 academic year at Husson University in Bangor, Maine. Lober is seeking a degree in Business Administration – Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. Full-time students who earn President’s List, Dean’s List and Honors List recognition must be enrolled as […]

Vermont ranks 4th in country in percentage of adults identifying as LGBT
By Cynthia Prairie © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC The state of Vermont ranks 4th in the percentage of LGBT adults per capita, behind Washington, D.C., Oregon and Delaware, according to a new study by the UCLA School of Law Williams Institute. Vermont has been considered a pioneer in gay rights, being the first in the […]

To the editor: Flood recovery, resiliency among legislative priorities in 2nd half of biennium
The 2024 legislative session, which began on Jan. 3 in Montpelier, is the second half of a two-year biennium, so Vermont lawmakers spend far less time on the formalities, pomp and circumstance. And, with committees and leadership in place, we got right to work. Which is good as we have a huge amount on our […]