‘Be the Match’ marrow donor event set for Saturday in Springfield
The Chester Telegraph | Apr 15, 2024 | Comments 0

Levi Parker of Ludlow, pictured right. His life was saved through the National Marrow Donor Network, formerly known as ‘Be the Match.’
Levi Parker of Ludlow, whose life was saved through such a donation, is hoping that many will attend. The NMDN helps patients with life-threatening blood disorders like leukemia, lymphoma or sickle cell by matching them with blood stem cell donations.
Parker tells his story, “I was a typical 21-year old, working full time, a volunteer firefighter, active in the Men’s Golf League and softball league, and enjoying life with friends and family. On June 23, 2016, I was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia (a rare blood disease) and Short Telomeres. Immediately, I was isolated from friends, family and co-workers as my body no longer produced red blood cells or platelets. My only hope for survival was a bone marrow transplant.
“I am forever grateful to NMDP formerly ‘Be The Match Registry,’ and truly blessed that a selfless young woman from Germany was a match and willing to donate her bone marrow to save my life.”
Since the transplant, he says, he has been doing very well. Parker is now an HVAC-R technician who is engaged to be married. He also has owns his own home and cares for two pet dogs.
“I am grateful for my family and Kindred’s Market for hosting along with F.W. Webb Co. for sponsoring this event and spreading awareness of my story, allowing me to reach out to all of you to show how easy it is to join the registry,” he says.
Filed Under: Community and Arts Life • In the Community
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