Grace Cottage among hospitals seeking public input on community health needs

Click image to enlarge and scan QR code to take survey.

Click image to enlarge and scan QR code to take survey.

Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital of Townshend, Brattleboro Memorial Hospital and the Brattleboro Retreat are seeking public input to assess the health needs of the community.

Every three years, these organizations conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment to learn more about the health concerns and needs of the communities they serve. Based on the information gathered, each health-care facility will develop an implementation plan to address these needs.

A community survey is now ready for input by clicking here. The link is open until May 27. The survey is for Windham County residents and those who receive healthcare in Windham County. It can also be accessed via a QR code, pictured to the right.  The survey is available translated into Dari, Pashto, Spanish and Tigrinya via the same link and QR code. All answers are anonymous.

These health-care organizations are also seeking input from representatives of groups serving Windham County residents and via focus groups. The Vermont Department of Health and Vermont Agency of Human Services are also participating in the process.

The community assessment process is required for non-profit hospitals by the federal government every three years.  Results of the survey will be publicly available by year’s end, and implementation plans will follow.

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Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeIn the Community

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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