Ludlow Rotary donates personalized books to CTES first-graders

George Thomson, center, surrounded by CTES first-graders.

Continuing its program of literacy promotion, the Ludlow Rotary Club delivered custom-printed books to students at Cavendish Town Elementary School.

Rotarian George Thomson, a  former CTES principal, presented the book School Is Fun to the first-grade class and read the book to them. Each book is personalized with the student’s name.

Thomson stated, “In the book, the teacher is doing a special theme on raccoons and she is going to show the kids a real raccoon in a cage after their study. However, the raccoon has gotten out and the student is the one who finds the raccoon and saves the day with the surprise visit.”

Thomson noted that the kids were delighted with the books. When given to them at the end of the presentation, they searched through the script looking for the personalization and asked whether they could take them home. “The teacher thanked me for hyping the kids up so much. She said it was going to take some time to get them focused on math!”

The LRC sponsors similar programs for the other area schools serviced by the club. Brigid Sullivan will deliver books to students at Mount Holly School and Sharon Bixby will take them to Ludlow Elementary School.

The program’s purpose is to provide young readers with books on a periodic basis to foster an interest in reading and to enhance their skills. The club has been sponsoring this program for more than 27 years. “And, based on the success of it, we have no plans to discontinue it,” said Thomson.

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Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeIn the Community

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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