GM eighth-graders win Bremer History Prize for research on disability revolution

From left, Isidora Gibson and Laura Bennett

Green Mountain Union High eighth-graders Laura Bennett and Isidora Gibson have been named this year’s recipients of the Frances Bremer History Prize, awarded each year by Paul Bremer in memory of his late wife.

Frances Bremer was an ardent student of history and encouraged others to immerse themselves in American history.

The $1,000 prize was established in 2020 and is awarded to a student or group of students at Green Mountain Union High School. Applicants create an original research project on a topic in American History, and the winners are chosen based on the quality of their research, writing and analysis.

Laura and Isidora’s project, “Crip Camp: Inspiration for Change,” traced the origins of the disability rights movement back to a summer camp in upstate New York.

“We thought of using Camp Jened and the Disability Revolution for our History Day topic while watching the trailer for the movie Crip Camp on Netflix,” the girls said. “Camp Jened helped start a revolution, giving the young activists the motivation they needed to change their reality.”

Their project also won third place in the Junior Group Exhibit at Vermont History Day in April. This year’s theme was “Turning Points in History.”

Filed Under: Education News

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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