Springfield Hospital employees donate 322 pounds of food to local food shelf

From left are Sandy Peplau, marketing and development for Springfield Hospital; Food Shelf coordinator Keegan; Steffanie Baker, program director and kitchen manager; and Michelle Johnson, director of Specialty Practices for Springfield Hospital.

In celebration of National Hospital Week, Springfield Hospital employees participated in a food drive to benefit the Springfield Family Center’s food shelf.

The 322 pounds of non-perishable foods were delivered to the Family Center on May 21 after a week of collecting the food at various employee events. Springfield Hospital’s motto for the week was “Food Shelf Heroes…I helped to fill the shelves.”

“The generosity of the employees was outstanding. They took to heart the importance of helping to fill the shelves at the Family Center,” said Robert Adcock, CEO of Springfield Hospital. “We are hopeful that our contribution was beneficial to many members of our community.”

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About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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