Ludlow Dental to move in with Chester Dental

Ludlow Dental will join the offices of Chester Dental. Both are North Star Health facilities.

Ludlow Dental is formally moving to Chester, combining services with Chester Dental Center, at 55 Route 11 West.

This transition comes on the heels of a trial period that forced Ludlow Dental Center to close after the devastating flooding in July 2023.

Effective Sept. 3, all patients of Ludlow Dental Center will be seen at Chester Dental Center.

The trial period of combined operations from June-November 2023 demonstrated that merging services allows for streamlined operations, cost savings and improved delivery of dental care, according to North Star Health, which says it will maintain the same capacity to serve dental patients, ensuring that appointment availability and services will not be reduced.

As the region grapples with the effects and uncertainty of extreme weather, moving dental operations to Chester protects from future flood risks. The past two years have shown that historic flooding is becoming more frequent. The relocation mitigates some risk from the effects of flooding and is a more central location within North Star Health’s service area.

Patients will still see all the familiar faces at the new location: Dr. Michael Foster, DDS, and dental hygienists Debra Yurek and Siobhan Nadler. According to North Star, 1,296 individual patients visited the Ludlow clinic over the past two years.

“We are optimistic about relocating to Chester and uniting the North Star dental team under one roof. This move consolidates duplicative operational costs which will allow us to explore service offering expansion at Chester Dental,” said Barbara Hodgkins, RDH, director of dental services. “Our dedicated team remains committed to our patients’ health and wellness.”

Joshua Dufresne, MBA, CEO, said, “We understand that patients who are used to visiting our Ludlow location may need some assistance to adjust to this change. Our Community Health team is ready to support you if you need access to transportation or other services to make this transition as seamless as possible.”

Questions about the move or scheduling appointments at the new Chester Dental Center can be directed to 802-875-2878.

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