To the editor: Thanks to Williams River volunteer water quality samplers

Frank Kelley collecting water samples in the Williams River in 2012 Telegraph file photo

The Chester Conservation Committee wishes to thank the six volunteers who sampled the Williams River every other week this summer.

The samples collected give scientists with the Vermont Agency of Natural of Resources and the Connecticut River Conservancy a summer’s worth of data points about the water quality on specific days, at specific times. This data can then help scientists see trends or patterns with the water quality.

Arne Jonynas, Sarah Massucco, Stephen Massucco, Cathy Michaly, Robert Neid, and John Winter together filled over 200 water sample containers this summer.

The results are shown below. If interested in learning more about the Williams River and the water quality sampling, stop by the Chester Conservation Committee tent at the Fall Festival, Sept. 21 and 22.

Final note: In general, the e. Coli, a bacteria, counts are higher after a rain event. Recommendations are to wait 24 – 48 hours before swimming.

Thank you again to all the volunteers for your efforts!

Frank Kelley
CCC Williams River Sampling

Click the below image to enlarge

The Summer's sampling results. Click to enlarge.

The Summer’s sampling results. Click to enlarge.

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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