Hildene welcomes new board members, chair

From left, Robert Hallenbeck, Walker S. Kimball III and Megan Mayhew-Bergman.

Hildene, the historic Lincoln Family Home located in Manchester, announces the appointment of two people to its Board of Directors, as well as a new board chair.

Robert Hallenbeck, the new chair of the board, brings a wealth of experience in law, business strategy and board leadership. Splitting his time between Baltimore, Md. and Stratton,  he has been a board member since 2022. His passion for Hildene’s mission of promoting civil discourse, sustainability and “values into action” approach aligns perfectly with the organization’s goals. Hallenbeck is particularly enthusiastic about the opportunities presented by the addition of Lincoln Hall to the estate.

Walker S. Kimball III, a Vermont native and UVM graduate, joins the board with an impressive background in construction and historic preservation. A senior vice president at Bechtel Construction Co. in Texas, his expertise spans nearly five decades. His deep roots in Manchester and long-standing connection to Hildene make him a valuable addition to the board.

Megan Mayhew-Bergman, director of Creative Writing at Middlebury College, brings her storytelling prowess and environmental advocacy to Hildene’s board. A published author and contributor to prestigious publications, such as The Guardian, The New Yorker and The New York Times, Mayhew-Bergman’s passion for bold women’s stories, giving her an affinity for Peggy Lincoln, adds a unique perspective to the board.

“These highly accomplished individuals will be instrumental in shaping Hildene’s future,” said Hildene President Brian Keefe. “Their diverse experiences and shared commitment to education, sustainability, and civic responsibility will drive our mission forward.

Filed Under: Business & Personal FinanceBusiness People

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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  1. Lew Watters says:

    As a longtime Hildene fan with experience in museum management for historic sites for the National Park Service at Saint-Gaudens in Cornish, N.H., Hildene has much to offer the visitor with a broad spectrum of one of our country’s great leaders and his impact on our nations growth.

    If you go there, you will go back again and again because the story is ever evolving with new insights to our past.