Ludlow Rotary ducks navigate Black River to benefit Lake Rescue Association

It was perfect summer day for herding ducks

For the 25th time, the Ludlow Rotary Club’s ducks, more than 850 of them, successfully navigated the Black River. The proceeds will benefit the Lake Rescue Association. Lake Rescue members, along with LRC Rotarians, helped to guide the ducks from the Depot Street Bridge to the finish line at Walker Bridge.

The winning ducks belonged to:

  • First place: Pat Williams, $200
  • Second place: Pat Williams, $100
  • Third place: Marjorie MacIntyre, $75
  • Last place: Patricia Perdi, $25
  • Corporate Duck Winner: Inside Edge Rentals at Okemo

Sharon Bixby, Chief Duck for the LRC, expressed thanks to the various groups that assisted in the event, especially Ludlow Health Center, Ludlow Town employees and those who purchased duck tickets.

Although some of the river guiders are still drying out their shoes, Bixby indicated that the LRC is busy planning for next summer’s “river exercise.” The first objective is to identify an area non-profit group to benefit from the 2025 duck race. For information, contact Sharon at 802-228-8823.

Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeIn the Community

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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