To the editor: Sen. Clarkson works hard for Windsor County

The people in Windsor District are so fortunate to have Alison Clarkson representing us in the Vermont Senate where she is majority leader.  Clarkson is one of our three state senators from the Windsor District and is seeking re-election for her 5th term in the Senate.

In her 20 years representing our communities, in both the House and the Senate, Clarkson’s knowledge, hard work and ability to form working relationships with others, even across the aisle, has earned her colleagues’ trust and my enthusiastic support.

Clarkson is vice chair of the Senate Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs Committee and serves on Senate Government Operations.

Some of the major initiatives she has worked hard on include making historic investments in housing, enshrining reproductive liberty into our state Constitution, enacting marriage equality, expanding common sense gun safety measures, reducing the cost of childcare and protecting our environment.

Clarkson is teaming up with Sen. Becca White and a strong new candidate, Joe Major, as our Windsor Senate District Democratic ticket in the general election. Please support this trio with your vote on or before Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Sue Schiller

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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  1. Keith Stern says:

    Vermont is top 3 in taxes per capita, cost of living to wages, homelessness, and least business friendly. So what has been the progressive’s priority? By her admission it isn’t education costs because she said they had Covid money to hide the increase. It hasn’t been making sure our waters aren’t being polluted by sewerage overflows. It hasn’t been the cost of healthcare where the VT Health Connect silver plan is about $500 more than the national average.
    No their priority is climate mitigation even though VT is already carbon neutral. They passed the Global Warming Solutions Act which set impossible goals to meet and allow the state to be sued for not reaching those goals. We are being sued and we taxpayers are paying the legal fees for the plaintiffs.
    But they couldn’t stop there so they passed a carbon tax misleadingly labeled the Affordable Heat Act without bothering to find out the cost of it. Now we know their misguided plan will cost taxpayers $17 billion which the state has calculated to be $4 a gallon for heating oil and kerosene and $2.12 a gallon for propane.
    This may be the kind of leadership Sue Schiller wants but I am praying that she is in the minority.

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