To the editor: Rep. Chase has been attentive to Windham taxpayer needs

I am writing to support the reelection of Heather Chase, delegate to the Vermont House from the Windham-Windsor District.

Heather Chase has kept our community of Windham well-informed about legislation being considered in Montpelier.  She has met in person with Windham residents, attended our community events and has submitted articles regularly to our community newsletter.

This summer, she has been actively involved in working directly with residents of our town who received very large increases in their property taxes this year.  She has met one-on-one with individuals and is involving state officials in trying to identify next steps to assist taxpayers.

I’m proud to have Heather Chase as my Vermont state representative and I urge voters to go to the polls and to vote for her re-election in November.


Kord Scott
Windham Select Board

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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