To the editor: Jonynas endorses Chase for re-election

It is my privilege to endorse Heather Chase for reelection to the Vermont State House for the Windham/Windsor district. Heather has been a strong proponent of fair and considerate legislation in the interest of all Vermonters. She is open and receptive to the needs and concerns of her fellow neighbor constituents. She is always willing to help people asking for assistance in government related matters. If she doesn’t know the answer to your question, she will find the resource or person to help.

As select board chair for the town of Chester, I have worked closely with Heather in her nine years of service on the selectboard. Many of those years, she served as vice-chair. During this time, she showed both skill and dedication in serving the citizens of Chester. I believe this experience in public service has served her well in her role now as State Representative. Heather knows the concerns and issues of rural
Vermonters and has a strong commitment to represent them.

Heather possesses traits that are extremely helpful and needed in politics. She is a good listener, a quick learner, a strong vocal advocate when needed, and has a compassionate and caring character. I urge your favorable consideration of Heather Chase as she seeks reelection. She has my vote.

Arne Jonynas
Chester Select Board Chair

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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  1. Keith Stern says:

    Out of curiosity did she vote for the huge pay raise? How about the carbon tax? What proposals has she made to lower education costs? What is her ideas to reduce the cost of healthcare? Is she working to stop sewerage dumps into our waterways?
    We can’t afford inaction anymore.

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