Future of Education to hold first ‘public engagement’ session on Oct. 21

The Commission on the Future of Public Education in Vermont will hold its first public engagement session from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday Oct. 21 at the Randolph Union Middle High School, 15 Forest Street in Randolph. This will be the first of many such sessions to be held across the state over the next year.

Act 183, which created the commission, mandates that it hold at least one such session in each of Vermont’s 14 counties.

The statute says that in writing its final report with recommendations for changes in the education system and its finances, the commission will incorporate public feedback into those recommendations. The commission must also include all public feedback received in an addendum to its final report.

Members of the commission will talk about what that panel is expected to do and give an overview of education and how it’s financed. But they will also hear the public’s input on those issues.

Click this link to join the session virtually.

Below is the engagement session’s agenda

5  p.m. Welcome & Overview of the Evening
Purpose and Charge of the Commission

5:20 p.m. Current Education Context in Vermont
Statutory Responsibility and Current Context

Input Questions:
What are the strengths of public education in Vermont?
What are some of the challenges of our current system?
What suggestions do you have for the Commission?

6 p.m. Current Education Finance System
FY25 Budget Challenges and Cost Drivers

Input Questions:
What questions do you have about the finance system?
What suggestions do you have about the finance system?

6:45 p.m. What Else?
6:55 p.m. Next Steps
7 p.m. Adjourn

Filed Under: Education NewsLatest News

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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