To the editor: Endorsements of incumbents ignore results of their actions
The Chester Telegraph | Oct 17, 2024 | Comments 1

Highest in cost of living in relation to wages, second in homelessness, third in overall taxes per person; two out of five Vermonters living with food insecurity. We have high energy costs that our incumbents have made it a mission to raise them even higher. We have a per student cost that’s among the highest in the country yet we still have terrible proficiency scores.
The Springfield Family Center said that of the roughly 9,000 Springfield residents, 2,430 are at or below the poverty line. I was told there that they are struggling to serve the needs of everyone, just like the food shelves across the state.
With all of this our current legislators have decided among themselves with no input from we their employers if they should have a raise. Note that every current Republican legislator felt it was not justified. So other than that how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?
I understand that no matter how bad it is there will be people who will put party over people every time. I hope for Vermont’s sake they are in the minority for a change.
Keith Stern
North Springfield
Keith Stern is a Republican candidate for the Vermont House for the Windsor-3 District
Filed Under: Commentary • Letters to the Editor
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I wonder just how Ms Clarkson can serve Vt given her YES record on ALL taxation, regulation bills that she voted on. Also in an article on the web site VDC she said she lives in the Adirondacks of NY? She can’t be concerned about Vermonters and having originally coming fro Buffalo NY. How can she look at herself in the mirror and feel good? There are Vermonters that can serve better.