To the editor: Rep. Chase works to meet constituent needs

I’m writing to support Heather Chase for re-election to the Windham-Windsor seat in the Vermont House of Representatives that she now holds, representing Athens, Chester, Grafton and Windham.

I first saw Heather in action when she was a member of the Chester Select Board, which that night was dealing with a very complicated issue facing the town. I was immediately impressed by the depth and breadth of her thinking, her ability to understand a variety of points of view, and her interest in doing what was best for the Chester community. Since she has served as my state representative, I have continued to be pleased with her interest in considering the well-being of her district and the state of Vermont, as well as the needs and interests of the individuals she serves.

Heather stays in touch with her constituents, regularly writing clear and detailed summaries of what the legislature and what she and her Democratic colleagues have been working on. She also regularly meets with groups in each of the four towns she serves.

Vermont, like many states, is undergoing a lot of complex issues these days. Vermont, again like many states, needs intelligent, open-minded legislators who will be able to face the complexity of everything from housing to schools to dealing with the unhoused to demographics and health care. Heather is just the kind of person Vermont

Heather is knowledgeable and always willing to learn more; she listens closely to and treats all voices seriously; she wants her district and the state of Vermont to remain places that all of us can be proud of.

Nick Boke

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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  1. Randy Miles says:

    I wonder why Vermont is going through so many complex problems? Hummmmmm? So if we select this will change? Hummmm?vote change our odds are much better!vote vote vote

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