To the editor: Why vote for Clarkson, White and Major?

There’s a reason you see lots of signs for Alison Clarkson, Becca White and Joe Major now:  They are the cream of the crop running for the Vermont state Senate, and Windsor County voters recognize these stellar candidates.  These three share a deep understanding of our communities’ needs and have records as public servants showing they know how to get tough things done to help all Vermonters.

As Senate majority leader, Clarkson has spearheaded impactful measures on quality education, public safety, economic justice and affordable healthcare.  Those same policies inform Becca White’s work in Montpelier, as well as efforts to deal with climate resilience.  And Joe Major’s leadership as Harford’s Town Treasurer underscores his keen eye for vital policies within tight budgets.  All three care deeply about you and your quality of life, and their track record bares this out.

With the many challenges facing our state, it makes sense to elect proven leaders with the  experience and know-how advocating for our community.  Join me in voting for Alison Clarkson, Becca White and Joe Major to the Vermont Senate on Nov. 5.  Thank you.


Bob Williamson
South Woodstock

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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  1. Beverly Hart says:

    Stu Lindberg why post information that you absolutely know is not true? She DOES live in Vermont!

  2. Keith Stern says:

    Stellar candidates? The 2 incumbents decided to vote themselves a huge pay raise while Vermonters are struggling to make ends meet because of policies they helped enact. Number 1 in cost of living to wages, second in homelessness, third in overall taxes per person, dumping of sewerage in our waterways, and 2 out of 5 Vermonters are living with food insecurity. Gee we deserve a pay raise.
    Sad that so many voters put party over the people. I hope they are in the minority this time.
    Keith Stern
    North Springfield

  3. Linda Diak says:

    It would be nice if folks would refrain from disinformation. One is allowed to own a second home outside of Vermont in addition to one’s Vermont home and represent Vermont. In fact, it could serve to give such a person a broader perspective – always a good thing.

  4. Stu Lindberg says:

    It would be nice to be represented by someone who lives in Vermont and not New York State.

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