To the editor: Vote Murray to restore balance in Montpelier

Hello Friends & Neighbors

I’m Andrea Murray and running for state Senate in Windsor District because we must make Vermont more affordable.

I’m a farmer in Weathersfield, businesswoman and mom who’s struggling too – with a soaring cost of living, high property taxes and feeling we’re not being heard by career politicians. It’s now time to restore balance in Montpelier with new leadership.

As a Native American woman, I carry a deep concern for the destruction of our rural way of life. Our land, traditions  and strong sense of community are the heart of who we are as Vermonters. Too many young families are being forced to leave the state because they can’t afford to stay and build their lives and homes here in Vermont.

My vision is for a Vermont where we can all thrive, where our government works for the people, not partisan politics. I’m committed to bringing us back to the middle – by listening, doing what’s right, and working hard for the people who trust me to represent them.

I support Gov. Phil Scott’s plan for fiscally responsible solutions that create opportunity and growth – not more taxes. I pledge to vote “No” on the Clean Heat Standard debacle and focus on attainable climate goals instead of unsustainable mandates.

Please make your voice heard and vote Andrea Murray now or on Nov. 5 – for balance and affordability!

Endorsed by Gov. Jim Douglas, former Sen. & future Lt. Gov. John Rodgers, Sen. Terry Williams, Sen. Brian Collamore, Sen. Dave Weeks, former Sen. Wendy Wilton, AGC/VT, and more!

Andrea Murray
Republican candidate for state Senate for Windsor County

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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  1. RAYMOND MAKUL says:

    I moved here decades ago. Now retired. I live in what I consider to be a nice home. Its market value has soared. As a result, I am now a “Millionaire”. And property taxes, based on current market value, are also soaring. But my income is not keeping up. So I am asset rich, but cash poor. The only way of realizing my new “wealth” is to sell my home and move into somewhere far cheaper. Either by severely downsizing, or by moving geographically to somewhere much cheaper and with lower taxes. I don’t want to leave Vermont for Pennsyltucky, but the Legislature is pushing me out.

  2. Mr. Beverstock: Let me correct the misinformation. No, I don’t live in a million-dollar home; it’s actually a 200-year-old farm valued at less than half that. My husband is from Vermont and after his last military assignment in Virginia, not DC, we retired & returned home to raise livestock to feed our community. I am so disappointed in the random personal attacks, divisive rhetoric and blatant lies about new candidates this year. We are so much better than this as Vermonters. Let’s talk about the issues and how to fix them. While we’re at it, let’s talk about the incumbents’ voting records and how we got in this mess in the first place.

    The fact is that I am a Native American woman, fiscally conservative, moderate candidate focusing on practical, balanced solutions to make Vermont more affordable. I will support Governor Scott and I am endorsed by John Rodgers. I’ll work hard in the legislature to represent all of Windsor District and not special interest agendas. I encourage you to learn more about me and my campaign.

    Andrea Murray
    Candidate for State Senate -Windsor District

  3. Malcolm G Beverstock says:

    Struggling Vermonter? That’s rich when you live in a million dollar plus home in Weatherfield after relocating here from the DC area. I have no problem voting for Governor Scott and John Rogers who are moderate Republicans but not for extreme candidates such as yourself.

  4. Keith Stern says:

    The incumbents have shown repeatedly that they are not working for us. Giving themselves a huge pay raise without asking us just proves the point.