Springfield Rotary Club donates books to CAES students
Press release | Oct 29, 2024 | Comments 0

Clockwise from far left, CAES Principal Joey Blane, Springfield Rotary President Deb Cox, Rotarian Taylor Drinker and Springfield Rotary Club Immediate Past President Emma McGuirk with CAES student Owen.
Andy & Elmer’s Apple Dumpling Adventure shares the story of a young entrepreneur named Andy who starts an apple dumpling business with his neighbor Elmer.
With the help of a mysterious voice in his head, Andy learns the value of truth, fairness, goodwill, friendships and doing what will benefit all who are involved. The story shares the system of beliefs of The Rotary Four-Way Test: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? and Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Becky & Lin’s Apple Orchard Park is a story about two women who work together to bring something new to the neighborhood. Demonstrating the idea of Rotary’s motto “Service Above Self,” they take on a major community project. Inspired by their example, other residents come together and contribute to their efforts to create something wonderful and beneficial for everyone.
The Rotary Club of Springfield, founded in 1927, is an active community service club of more than 40 members who engage in local and international community and human service projects.
Filed Under: Community and Arts Life • Education News • In the Community
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.