To the editor: What Republicans stand for

As a Republican, I am for a smaller government close to home. I believe that businesses, not the government, should create jobs. I support free-market capitalism, individual incentive, and achievement. I believe in lower taxes that stimulate the economy by putting more money into wage earners’ pockets. People are better able to decide what to do with their hard-earned money than the government.

While labor unions were originally created to protect workers, they often end up protecting the status quo, impeding progress, and shielding poor performance. I believe that every child deserves access to the best schools and teachers, and sometimes unions stand in the way.

I believe in “teaching a man to fish” to feed him for a lifetime, rather than simply giving him a fish. Many social programs we’ve had for generations have created dependence on government subsidies. I support helping those who are vulnerable and need a boost, and I believe that local groups and organizations can often do this better than the government, so I support them.

I believe that, regardless of sexual orientation, race, religion, or other differences, all people are created equal and should have equal opportunities and protections under the law. I believe in equality, not equity, and that while we cannot make up for past mistakes, we must learn from them and continue to grow.

I believe we live in the greatest country on Earth, a country that should welcome lawful immigration while opposing illegal immigration. I believe all citizens have the right to vote in safe and legal elections, and that the integrity of the process is strengthened by presenting a form of identification.

Patrick Danaher

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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  1. Keith Stern says:

    There has been a impressive campaign to distort what republicans are all about. While the democrats are so focused on the non-issue of emissions in Vermont since we are basically carbon neutral with the amount of plant life we have, they are allowing the dumping of sewage into our waterways. 6 years ago I called for the halt to building in Burlington until the sewage issue was resolved but development continues with Lake Champlain being polluted.
    As for gender issues I haven’t met a republican who isn’t accepting. And as far as reproductive rights, it is settled law in Vermont so it shouldn’t be used as a distraction away from the serious issues we face in this state.

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