Archive for November, 2024

To the editor: Senate candidate Murray thanks supporters, says the work continues
Dear Friends, Supporters and Voters of Chester and Windsor District, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each of you who believed in my campaign for state Senate. You shared your stories and campaigned alongside me for a Vermont that works for all. While the result was not what we […]

Springfield Players presents Neil Simon’s ‘Rumors’
Springfield Community Players, 165 South St. in Springfield, is gearing up for its final production of the season, Rumors by Neil Simon. Travel back to 1989 in New York City and see what happens when four socialite couples are invited to their friends’ 10th anniversary party. Performances are scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 16, […]

Analysis: Southern Windsor and the emerging Republican Party
By Cynthia Prairie ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC While there was never any doubt that incumbent Democratic Sens. Alison Clarkson and Becca White and anointed Democratic candidate Joe Major would win election for the three seats for the Windsor District, the nascent Chester Republican Committee has made a formidable premier foray into politics while the Ludlow […]

GM District Board agenda for Nov. 21
The Board of Directors of the Green Mountain Unified School District will meet from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday Nov. 21 in the Green Mountain High School Library/Media Center, 716 Route 103 South and via Zoom. To access via Zoom, click here. Below is its agenda. I. CALL TO ORDER: A. Roll call II. […]

St. Luke’s wreath-decorating workshops set for Nov. 21-23 Early bird discount available through Nov. 16
The ever-popular wreath-decorating workshops will take place on Nov. 21 through 23 in Willard Hall at St. Luke’s Church, 313 Main St. in Chester. Those who register and pay by Saturday, Nov. 16 will receive a $5 discount on the price of $55 per wreath. Checks should be made out to St. Luke’s Church, with […]

Fund drive started to help Chester man rebuild after Sunday fire
© 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC A fundraising campaign has been started to help Charles Wright, who lost his Jewett Road home in Chester to a fire on Sunday. The Go Fund Me effort has a goal of $20,000 to help Wright to rebuild his home, which was uninsured. According to his niece Grace Wright, who […]

To the editor: Clarkson, Major, White thank supporters, voters
Thank you to the Windsor District voters for electing us to represent you in the Vermont state Senate. We are honored to serve and appreciate your vote of confidence. We are grateful to our many volunteers who helped make this victory possible. Thank you for hosting our lawn signs, writing letters to the editor, canvassing […]

Counterpoint concert film showing in Weston
Burr and Burton Academy seniors Tyler Keyes and Jordan Houghtaling put their cinematography skills to use recently by recording Counterpoint, Vermont’s premier professional vocal ensemble. The concert, titled The Sceptered Isle, was recorded in St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Hanover, N.H. on Oct. 26. The program of secular and sacred music is drawn from the […]

Patient thanks Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad; how you can help the service
On June 29, 2023 Cole Williams of Londonderry was involved in a serious motorcycle accident on Middletown Road. A passerby called 911 and within 10 minutes personnel from the Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Service and Londonderry Technical Rescue were on the scene. Londonderry Fire also assisted. LVRS members involved in the call were Pete Cobb, Judy […]

Children’s Thanksgiving art workshop Nov. 16 in Weston
Wilder Memorial Library, 24 Lawrence Hill Road in Weston, invites children of all ages to a Giving Thanks workshop with art teacher Casey Junker Bailey at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 16. Children will create fabric print banners and small thankful books with decorative papers. These will make charming additions to any Thanksgiving celebration. The […]

Burn ban in S. Vermont extended to Nov. 18
©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC The statewide outdoor burn ban of debris that was to end at 3 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 11, has been extended for one week in the southern Vermont counties of Windsor, Windham, Bennington and Rutland, the state Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation has announced. According to the state, persistent dry […]

Henry Homeyer: Final garden chores before winter sets in
By Henry Homeyer ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Winter is fast upon us. The shortest days of the year are ahead, but gardening is done for most of us. That being said, I still have flowers in bloom outside: My witch-hazel trees are showing gorgeous, twisty-petaled yellow flowers, even after a light snow and several hard […]

To the editor: Windsor GOP marks historic wins
The Windsor County Republican Party is pleased to announce the election of three new Republican state representatives in key districts. Kevin Winter of Ludlow has been elected to represent the Rutland‐Windsor District (Ludlow, Mount Holly and Shrewsbury). Tom Charlton of Chester will serve the Windsor‐Windham District (Athens, Chester, Grafton and Windham). VL Coffin of Cavendish […]

Springfield Hospital’s Hearts of Hope Campaign under way
The Hearts of Hope Campaign, sponsored by Springfield Hospital and its volunteers, provides the opportunity to pause and reflect on those who have meant so much to us. When you contribute $15 or more, a handmade heart ornament will be placed on the Hearts of Hope holiday tree. All donations support Springfield Hospital services. The […]

Conversation about grief, death Nov. 16 in Weston Author of 'Daughter’s Primer on Life & Death' to speak
Grief while facing loss can be paralyzing. Death denial in the United States is commonplace. Fear about dying in pain from a lingering illness, a lack of certainty about what happens to our physical presence or how loved ones left behind will cope when we die make it easier to simply avoid the conversation. Susan […]

No one injured as Sunday morning fire destroys Chester home
By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC A fire Sunday morning on Jewett Road in Chester destroyed a home and an outbuilding, but no one was injured as the homeowner escaped the building amid black smoke. According to Chester Police Chief Tom Williams, around 9:15 a.m. this morning, a motorist spotted smoke coming from […]

Andover Select Board agenda for Nov. 11
The Andover Select Board will hold its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday Nov. 11 at the Town Office, 953 Weston-Andover Road. Below is the board’s agenda. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes of October 28th meeting. 4. Public Comment (Time allowance: Five minutes per visitor, 10 […]

To the editor: Rep. Chase thanks supporters, congratulates Charlton
Dear Residents of Chester, Grafton, Windham and Athens, The voters have spoken, and while the outcome wasn’t what we hoped for, I want to take a moment to congratulate Tom Charlton on his victory. The people have made their choice, and I respect that decision. Serving as your representative in Montpelier has been an incredible […]

Local Republican Senate candidates make strong showing against north county Democrats Incumbents Clarkson and White, newcomer Major take Windsor Senate seats
By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Republicans from Cavendish, Ludlow and Weathersfield showed electoral strength on Tuesday running for seats in the Windsor County Senate delegation against a slate of Democrats from the northern part of the county. And while they lost overall, their campaigns were a clear challenge to a longstanding majority […]

Many voters favor mail-in ballots, early voting amid brisk turnout at the polls
By Cynthia Prairie and Shawn Cunningham ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Turnout was brisk on this warm and breezy Election Day, in which Americans were choosing a new president and Vermonters were deciding on their gubernatorial and State House seats. Mail-in ballots at times rivaled or surpassed in-person voting in many of our south-central Vermont towns. […]