Help ‘Brighten Downtown’ Springfield for the holidays

Each year, the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce orchestrates the illumination of downtown Springfield.

Lampposts, Santa’s house and the community holiday tree are all infused with a festive glow that fosters a sense of warmth and unity throughout the winter months. This cherished tradition transforms the townscape into a welcoming spectacle, as well as provides a delightful experience for residents and visitors.

There is a need to replace worn-out strands of lights. The expense of acquiring new lights is substantial; however, with a collaborative effort, it can become a reality. Businesses, organizations and individuals are invited to consider sponsoring Brighten Downtown.

A modest contribution of $25 will actively support the festive illumination of the downtown area, playing a crucial role in bringing the holiday spirit to Springfield. Your generosity will be acknowledged through social media channels and a press release, allowing you to make a meaningful impact on the community.

Any and all support is appreciated. If you have any questions about Brighten Downtown for the Holidays, please call Taylor at the Chamber Office (802-885-2779) or send an e-mail. Checks can be made payable to Springfield Regional Chamber and sent to 56 Main St., Ste. 2, Springfield, VT 05156.

Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeIn the Community

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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