To the editor: Chester Democratic Committee played no part in recent dust up

The Chester Telegraph’s editorial about local Democrats “kicking up dust over a MAGA event” was surprising to members of the Chester Democratic Committee. (Dems kick up some dust over a MAGA event, Jan. 10, 2025)

The editorial mentions “a local Democratic social media site.” The Chester Democratic Committee, however, has no social media site of any sort.

Contrary to assertions in the article, CDC members have always supported and continue to support all of Chester’s local businesses, including the Fullerton Inn. Members of the CDC also appreciated and enjoyed Roy Spaulding playing the part of Santa Claus.

The CDC is working to control the cost of living, improve the availability of housing and the efficient operation of our local government, provide a high-quality education for our youth and a viable path to more than a paycheck-to-paycheck existence for our entire community.

We urge all Chester residents to join us in working together on these issues.

Nick Boke
Communication Committee
The Chester Democratic Committee

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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