Meals & Wheels needs drivers, donations

If you can spare two hours a week on a Monday,  Wednesday or a Friday, Meals and Wheels of Greater Springfield can use your help.

Meals and Wheels of Greater Springfield, in partnership with Senior Solutions, needs drivers to deliver nutritional meals to the homes of eligible seniors and disabled adults in Springfield and the surrounding communities. Meal pickup is at St. Mark’s Church at 33 Fairground Road at 9:30 on your day of choice. Please contact Steve Matush, at 802-885-4520 for further details.

Donations are also needed to keep the program running. You can mail a tax deductible donation, made out to MAWGS,  c/o Springfield Senior Center, 139 Main St., Springfield, VT 05156.

Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeIn the Community

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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