Grace Cottage awarded $1 million toward new clinic building

Exterior design of the new primary care clinic building Grace Cottage is preparing to build.

Grace Cottage Family Health and Hospital of Townshend has been chosen as the recipient of a $1 million grant to help with the construction of a new primary care clinic building through the Northern Border Regional Commission’s Catalyst Program.

The NBRC is a federal-state partnership for economic and community development in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York. Each year, the NBRC provides federal funds for critical economic and community development projects throughout the Northeast.

Grace Cottage CEO Olivia Sweetnam said, “In granting us this award, NBRC is validating and supporting what our community knows – the 14 practitioners in our primary care clinic are providing over 30,000 patient visits per year in two homes built in the 1840s, and we’re bursting at the seams! We have the architectural plans in place and fundraising is progressing quickly for a 23,000 sq-ft. building to ensure that people in our rural area will get the excellent care that they need and deserve, and which they have come to expect from Grace Cottage!”

A total of 37 programs throughout Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont will be awarded a total of $24 million as part of the commission’s fall 2024 round of funding. The NBRC Catalyst program strives to stimulate economic growth and inspire partnerships that improve rural economic vitality throughout the four-state region.

For more information about Grace Cottage Hospital, click here or call 802-365-9109.

Filed Under: Business & Personal FinanceBusiness in BriefLatest News

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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