To the editor: Vermont showed the world it stands with Ukraine

The last weekend videos about our brave little state standing with Ukraine were seen around the world.

A heartfelt thanks from me and my compatriots to all Vermonters who have expressed their support for my native country after the shocking decision of the United States to side with Russia on the U.N. Security Council resolution and the latest meeting between Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and U.S. President Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Appeasing Russian President Vladimir Putin, the aggressor, and blaming Ukraine, the victim, while Russia is dropping bombs on civilian neighborhoods and hospitals in Ukraine, is wrong.

No one desires peace more than Ukrainian people, but why would they want peace with no security guarantees and without justice when the aggressor country Russia is not punished but rewarded for its crimes?

Svetlana Phillips

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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